
Keeping Pets Safe in Winter: Tips on How to Keep Your Furry Friends Warm and Healthy

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As winter blankets various parts of the world, including the recent cold snap in Alberta and arctic outflow in British Columbia, pet owners must take extra precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of their furry companions. Cold weather poses unique challenges for pets, and with a little extra care, you can make sure your pets stay warm, happy, and healthy throughout the winter months.

Some cats might not enjoy being outside in the snow.

8 Tips on Keeping Your Pets Safe in Winter

Here are some essential winter pet safety tips that apply not only to the chilly conditions in Calgary but to any region facing winter’s bite.

Keep Pets Indoors When Possible

Just like us, pets can feel the chill, and if it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for them. Limit outdoor exposure during extreme weather conditions, and if you must take your pet out, consider a coat or sweater for short-coated dogs. This applies not only to Calgary during the extreme cold that has enveloped much of the city and province but to any region experiencing a winter cold snap.

Keeping pets safe in winter - Keep them indoor

Provide Outdoor Shelter

For pets that spend time outdoors, like livestock, ensure they have access to a dry, draft-free shelter. The shelter should be large enough for them to sit and lie down comfortably, yet small enough to retain body heat. Elevate the floor, use insulating materials, and provide a wind-protected entrance to keep your pets snug and warm.

Keeping your pets safe in winter: provide outdoor shelter

Care for Your Pet’s Feet

Winter walks can be tough on your pet’s paws. Chemicals from ice-melting agents can harm their feet, so after a walk, gently rub the bottom of their paws with a damp towel to remove any irritants. Consider using dog boots to protect your paws during winter weather.

Keeping pets safe in winter - Protect their feet

Provide Extra Food and Water

Pets that spend time outdoors burn more energy to stay warm. Ensure they receive a bit more food during the winter months and regularly check their water dish to prevent freezing. Opt for plastic bowls to avoid your pet’s tongue sticking to cold metal.

Just a cute puppy

Use Leashes Near Frozen Bodies of Water

When walking near frozen bodies of water, keep your pets on a leash to prevent them from running onto the ice. If your pet falls through the ice, never attempt a rescue yourself. Call 9-1-1 or seek help immediately.

Keeping pets safe in winter - use leash near body of water

Avoid Leaving Pets in Cars

Cars can act like refrigerators, trapping cold air inside. Never leave your pet locked inside a car during cold weather, as this can put them at risk.

Don't leave your pets in the car during cold months.

Keep Antifreeze Out of Reach

Antifreeze has a sweet taste that can attract pets but is highly toxic. Keep antifreeze out of reach and clean up any spills promptly to prevent accidental poisoning.

Check Your Vehicle Before Starting the Engine

Before starting your car in cold weather, bang on the hood to scare away animals seeking warmth underneath. This simple precaution can prevent harm to curious cats and small wildlife.

Check your vehicle before starting it

As winter unfolds its frosty embrace, remember that your pets rely on you for their safety and comfort. By following these winter pet safety tips, you can ensure that your furry friends stay happy and healthy.

Stay vigilant, stay warm, and enjoy the winter season with your cherished pets.
Stay safe!

FAQ on Keeping Pets Safe in Winter

To keep your pet safe during winter, limit outdoor exposure during extreme cold, provide a warm and dry shelter, use pet-friendly sweaters or coats, protect their paws from harmful ice-melting chemicals, ensure access to fresh water, and never leave them unattended in a cold car.

While some dog breeds are more tolerant of cold weather, it’s essential to monitor them closely during extreme temperatures. Short-coated or smaller breeds may require extra protection like coats or sweaters. Always limit outdoor exposure in severe cold, and be attentive to signs of discomfort or cold-related issues.

No, it’s never safe to leave pets alone in a car during cold weather. Cars act as refrigerators, trapping cold air inside, and can put pets at risk of hypothermia. Always bring your pets indoors or make suitable arrangements to ensure their warmth and safety.

While some cats may enjoy brief outdoor excursions in winter, it’s generally safer to keep them indoors during extreme cold. If you choose to bring your cat outside, monitor their behavior closely, provide a warm and sheltered space, and avoid icy or snowy conditions. Always prioritize your cat’s safety and well-being in winter weather.

Contact Relopet International

Relopet International simplifies the process of shipping pets worldwide, aligning with regulations for a secure and comfortable journey. We understand the importance of your pet’s safety and comfort, and our expertise ensures a smooth travel experience for both you and your furry companion. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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